Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas porta pretium porta. Mauris sed luctus ex. Pellentesque ac pulvinar arcu. Ut in sollicitudin mi, ac lobortis risus. Morbi sollicitudin vehicula odio quis auctor. Nullam pellentesque quis metus vel rutrum. Vestibulum facilisis, leo ac sagittis facilisis, enim erat lobortis magna, ac feugiat eros tortor vel augue. Pellentesque condimentum erat urna, quis maximus ante ornare sagittis. Donec ornare fringilla suscipit. Aenean scelerisque imperdiet velit non eleifend. Sed luctus fermentum vehicula. Vivamus hendrerit dictum leo, in sollicitudin diam elementum sed.
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Ut bibendum commodo ex, vel dapibus justo euismod id. Vivamus in leo justo. Integer quam ex, semper vitae laoreet eget, sagittis in lacus. Sed euismod urna mattis mi sollicitudin, id rutrum arcu posuere. Vestibulum sit amet magna quis orci gravida luctus. Etiam lobortis metus et ex condimentum aliquam. Curabitur a ornare purus. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Sed non tincidunt mauris, ac lobortis turpis. In tempus tellus at volutpat ornare. Mauris auctor ipsum tincidunt nisl pellentesque, id ornare ligula efficitur. Cras mollis, lacus at ultrices tincidunt, magna quam facilisis leo, non maximus ex purus non urna.

Seagrass Plates
We chose seagrass as the material for our woven plates because it is an eco-friendly, renewable, marsh-growing reed. These plates are strong and beautiful, with a casual, coastal feel that adds texture and warmth to your table décor. The wood bottom board is made from eco-friendly wood fiber and provides a more stable eating surface - you can even cut on these plates with a knife! Like all handwoven basketry crafted by artisans, you may notice slight variations in your plates.

White Metal Plates
Our white metal plates were added to our collection after repeated requests. Made of the same versatile, durable metal as our galvanized plates, these have a glossy white finish which creates a fresh, clean look to showcase any of our beautiful liner patterns. They are perfect in any style home and are easy to pack up for a beach trip, picnic, or a day on the boat.

Galvanized Metal Plates
Galvanized metal was an easy choice for plates because of its increasing popularity in homes of all styles and its ability to provide a neutral palette on which to layer any color or design. It is an essential material in modern farmhouse design, and we love its rustic, industrial look. The rivets along the top rim add character to these super durable plates and they look great with any of our liners.

Plate Liners
All of our plates must be used with a liner, and we have two different styles to choose from: our original, flat liners (also great for lining trays and platters) and our preformed liners that are made of a heavier duty parchment and come already formed in the shape of the plate. Both are made with 100% genuine vegetable parchment, a natural, biodegradable product with a super smooth finish. Free from impurities like starch, gelatin, casein, and formaldehyde, this material has excellent fat and water-resistant properties.
One parchment paper liner is enough to withstand cutting, and can handle sauces, dressings, and salsas beautifully. We use food grade dye for all designs and include a “starter set” of 20 classic white parchment paper liners with the purchase of all plate sets.